Dienstag, 19. Juni 2012

House Bootlegs, Space Cosmic Disco, Cosmic, Kraut-Disco

! vinyl only mix ! keep it real !

1/8 cup nu-disco, 2tbl spoons kraut-disco,
½tea spoon italo-disco mix it and serve with a house made couverture
Bon Appétit...

- diesen spontan entstandene mix wuerde ich als cosmic-lastig beschreiben, luke million    scheibe das erste mal auf der fusion gehørt - war sofort addicted italo disco is alive ! was die kraut disco angeht; merkwuerdig aberirgendwie fett... -

here the NEW download:http://wfurl.com/bd581e5

complete tracklist follows soon....
artist to be found on the mix: radio slave, chicago damn, andy ash, todd terje, luke million, shimmy sham sham, EDward, etc...

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